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1. Exhibits must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor

2. Decision of Judges in all matters will be final

3. Strictly no exhibits accepted on show morning

4. Exhibitors are responsible for the accuracy of details supplied in their entry forms

5. The Committee have the right to refuse any person admission to Show Field

6. Only designated Com. Members allowed to accompany judges during adjudication

7. Neither the society or any of its Officers, Officials or Servants shall in any way be responsible or accountable for anything that may happen (from any cause or circumstance whatever) to Exhibitors or their Servants, or visitors to show, or to any exhibit or property brought into the show field, or for anything else in connection with, or arising out of, or attributable to the Society¹s show. Each Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage occasioned by or arising from any animal or article exhibited by him and shall indemnify the society against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto. Exhibitors will be held responsible for the behaviour of their servants, and for the consequences of any misconduct of such servants

8. A person entering an exhibit and failing to exhibit will forfeit the entry fee

9. The Committee is not responsible for mistakes in the entry form/Prize Schedule

10. Exhibits shall not be removed from the Exhibit Stalls before 5 p.m. Exhibits unclaimed after 6 p.m. are left at exhibitor’s risk and may be donated to charity.

11. The award of prizes in the Judges award book shall be final albeit any error that may be made by a steward or other official in placing a prize card on any exhibit

12. In accordance with the ruling of the S.J.I. 5% / 10% of prize money in the jumping competitions will be deducted and forwarded to the National Equestrian Federation by the show committee.

13. In accordance with the ruling of the I.S.A. 5% of prize money will be deducted and forwarded to the I.S.A. by the show committee.

14. The committee shall have the right in its absolute discretion to abandon or to postpone the show and in either of events no compensation for loss arising in any manner whatever shall bepayable by the society to exhibitors

15. Exhibitors will receive a card, which must be presented collecting exhibits

16. Unless cups are returned in the condition in which they are delivered, the recipient(s) will be liable for damage (or other costs) involved in restoring cups to the original condition

17. Exhi.bitors should ensure the correct numbers are on their exhibits

18. Any objections to the Exhibits must be lodged in writing, stating full particulars, with a deposit of €25 with the Secretary, within 1 hour of section having been judged

19. All cups must be returned to the Secretary before June 2025

20. Free admission restricted to one person per vehec with animals, cattle horses and ponies

21. Prize Money will be paid out in the Exhibit Hall on show day between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. for all exhibit winners